Questions I've Wanted to Ask God (New Teaching Series)
Next week we will start answering your questions to God. Do you have one? If so, post it right here; right now!
Make sure to visit the Seven San Diego Church website beginning July 12th to see if we answered your question. Messages will be available for download.
Here are some questions some of you posted on my Facebook Wall, Myspace comments, and via Twitter. Feel free to post your own:
1) Why does God punish those that make a contribution to society? And those people that drain the system are free to live it up? -J. Taylor
2) Why are good, faithful people who were raised in another religion and have never learned about jesus unable to receive eternal life? -E. Hill
3) Why did God bless us with such a power in our repentance, that we can ask and recieve even when we are suffocated under our own sin? -A. Woolsey
4) When the heck am I going to meet my bride? -V. Randolph
5) How can a born again believer think that it is ok to endorse a politican who supports abortion on demand? -M. Keith
6) If you God, are infinite in every aspect of your being, how does my worship bring you/ add joy to you? -K. Thielen
7) Where is our soul and where is our spirit man, if our body's aren't hollow? And How does the physical realm and spiritual realm fit together to have our spirit and soul in one body? -E. Patrick
8) If God's Grace gets you to heaven why does 1 Corinthians 6:9 say that the wicked, the drunkards, the fornicators + will NOT inherit the kingdom of heaven? I understand it continues to say that because of Jesus they are sanctified...but what if you continue to be a wicked person, drunk, etc? -N. Valdez
9) Can Jesus microwave a burrito so hot that even He couldn't eat it? -S. Stolp
10) How can 20,000 + denominations of Christianity all be right? How can they all have the correct truth? The correct interpretations? Which one did you (God) establish? -D. Calavitta
11) There are angels, people, the Bible, prophets, situations, etc. that all speak to us for God, but why does God not speak to us directly? -J. Hoskins
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Here are some questions some of you posted on my Facebook Wall, Myspace comments, and via Twitter. Feel free to post your own:
1) Why does God punish those that make a contribution to society? And those people that drain the system are free to live it up? -J. Taylor
2) Why are good, faithful people who were raised in another religion and have never learned about jesus unable to receive eternal life? -E. Hill
3) Why did God bless us with such a power in our repentance, that we can ask and recieve even when we are suffocated under our own sin? -A. Woolsey
4) When the heck am I going to meet my bride? -V. Randolph
5) How can a born again believer think that it is ok to endorse a politican who supports abortion on demand? -M. Keith
6) If you God, are infinite in every aspect of your being, how does my worship bring you/ add joy to you? -K. Thielen
7) Where is our soul and where is our spirit man, if our body's aren't hollow? And How does the physical realm and spiritual realm fit together to have our spirit and soul in one body? -E. Patrick
8) If God's Grace gets you to heaven why does 1 Corinthians 6:9 say that the wicked, the drunkards, the fornicators + will NOT inherit the kingdom of heaven? I understand it continues to say that because of Jesus they are sanctified...but what if you continue to be a wicked person, drunk, etc? -N. Valdez
9) Can Jesus microwave a burrito so hot that even He couldn't eat it? -S. Stolp
10) How can 20,000 + denominations of Christianity all be right? How can they all have the correct truth? The correct interpretations? Which one did you (God) establish? -D. Calavitta
11) There are angels, people, the Bible, prophets, situations, etc. that all speak to us for God, but why does God not speak to us directly? -J. Hoskins
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